Father's Day Grief

My dear loving father died this year on my birthday a few months ago. With father’s Day a couple days away I am completely numb. I plan to shut off the world as they all celebrate father’s Day and grieve for mine. Since he died I’ve felt lost disoriented and purposeless. He was my best friend my whole world. And now all I have are pictures and videos which are hard to look at. I feel selfish for not wanting to celebrate other loved ones for father’s Day as I know they are all hurting for me and want to be there as father figures but it’s just too hard. I’m already not able to look forward to my birthdays anymore and now I have to deal with father’s Day. Does anyone else feel what I feel if they have lost their father and father’s Day comes round? Am I being dramatic? Should I just be thankful for the years I had when others didn’t even get to have any fathers in their lives? Don’t get me wrong I’m thankful for the many years I got to celebrate with him but it’s a long way to go and knowing he won’t be around for anymore is excruciating…

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I’m with you!!! My beautiful father passed away on the 21st February and I am destroyed to put it bluntly and can’t see a future, life is shit


Hi @patrick1 I hear you completely. So many years we were side by side and then all of a sudden I’m having to navigate this cold world all on my own. Just want 10 minutes with him. Ten minutes so we could laugh together again and just go for a walk like we used to…

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I am very sorry for your loss.

You are not alone at all! This is my first father’s day without my Dad too! He died very suddenly in January after falling and hitting his head.

I am switching off to the outside world too today (especially social media) as it is just too hard to see everyones posts on how amazing their fathers are (which I know is very jealous and horrible of me) and of course they should celebrate their dads but it is just too hard for me to cope with today!

I have arranged to take my puppy, puppy training to try and distract me somehow but not holding out much hope.

Be kind to yourself as what you are feeling is normal!


Hi @RR2 I’m grateful for your words. In many ways they are comforting on the other hand my heart breaks for you that you have to experience this loss as well. It has helped to know I’m not ‘overdoing it’ as I’m still surrounded by so much love. But he can never be replaced and that’s what makes this so tough. Nonetheless , I celebrate our many years and memories together as painful as it is. Happy Father’s Day to you… they remain with us in our hearts.

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