Father's day

Hi all, it’s been nearly 3 months since my dad died, just over a month since his cremation and I’m dreading father’s day; I know I have a little one that needs me as I’m his father but its going to be especially harder this year.
Just seeing all the fathers day messages and cards has hurt pretty badly even to the point I’ve not gone anywhere that I can see this stuff.
Is it really this hard all the time, his birthday is only around the corner :pensive:


Hi, it’s hard when we see this kind of thing and I think we all acknowledge the pain. There’s no easy answer I am afraid and knowing his birthday is coming makes it even harder for you. My thoughts are going out to you. S xx

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I empathise fully as I lost my dad some 14 weeks ago :cry: there’s always something unfortunately :pensive:

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Hi @Hamlu1979 and @patrick1, thank you for sharing your experience. I’m sorry about the loss of your dads. Father’s Day can be really tough, and the first one without our dad especially so. I wanted to share our guide on coping with grief on Father’s Day in case you find it helpful.

Take care