
Partner died six weeks ago I am trying to come to terms with the loss we were together for 43 years and I miss her so much can’t find my way I know that I have got to move on but I don’t think I ever will all of those years you knew what each one was thinking now everything is empty I know that at 68 all of that closeness is something that I will never have again and that is how it is supposed to be I love her and miss her so much


I’m sorry that you had to join this forum. 43yrs is a long time and your loss will be massive.
It is early days in your grief and I’m sure it’s very raw and relentless.

Missing the familiarity of our loves is hard and the missing them tends to take over the rawness of the early days.

I won’t lie, the missing them doesn’t go away but the days do become less raw and all consuming.

Take small steps and focus on today, tomorrow is not guaranteed and it’s difficult to think about the future.


Thank you I know that it’s not been long since she went and it hurts so much and at this moment in time I don’t know if it will ever go away I do know that nothing will ever be the same again for me and at this moment in time I don’t know what me purpose is anymore my two lads are there for me but it’s not the same has you know I miss her so much and don’t know why I should get up in the morning


It won’t go away but it will dampen down a bit. Understanding the purpose is hard and in my darkest days it didn’t matter about anybody else, who was there for me or who I had to live for, it didn’t matter. I just wanted to be with him but that was not my destiny, otherwise I would have died with him.

Initially nothing mattered, no one mattered. So I got a dog, to make sure I got up every day.

That’s not for everyone obviously but it worked for me. I was also told to live hour to hour and that was really helpful. I do get good days now and I swear I never thought I would be saying that.

Don’t get me wrong, I still have some pretty bad days but I can manage them and move on from them.

This forum has been a life saver for me and I have met some pretty special people on here who have been detrimental in helping me move forward.

Keep sharing your thoughts and feelings. You won’t be judged but you will be heard and supported.


Thank you sorry for your loss

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