February 16th candles

I lit this candle for my lovely, caring husband Paul.

50 weeks today.

I still find it so difficult to believe he has gone.

I love you Paul, Inalways will :heart::heart:xx


This lit candle is for other much missed loved ones.

Please consider it lit for the loved ones you miss and mourn.


This candle is lit for those struggling and finding different aspects of life difficult.

Please consider it lit for you, your family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues.


50 weeks Rose, it’s almost unbelievable. Thinking of you and sending a big hug xx

Thank you for the lovely candles xx

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Thank you.

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Thankyou rose.
Always a comfort to see your candles.
Thinking of you and sending lots of love and hugs. :hugs: xx

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Love and hugs xx