Feel I can't go on

I lost my mum 23rd may she died in my arms before she took her last breath she ask me if she could go an I can’t get them words out my head. She had ovarian cancer but this did not kill her the NHS did there action caused my mum to lose her life. It hurts everyday knowing she shouldn’t have died and I can’t carry on there days when I feel so low I just won’t to be with her. I feel my life is empty now I have 2 children an they are the only reason I do but it’s getting harder everyday


Dear Caroline1980 i am so sorry for what you have been through and still going through the trauma you went through i can’t imagine your beautiful mum would want you to carry on she would not want to see you suffering sadly this is what we do i lost my hubby the love of my life 4 weeks ago suddenly we’d been married for 49yrs the grief,crying sadness and loneliness will take time the love we carry for our loved ones will never leave us i wish i could hug you and say go with your emotions let them all out your children need you as you do them I’m so sorry the nhs let your mum down and the hurt you must feel i hope you will keep using this forum there are a lot of lovely kind caring people here that all understand
the overwhelming grief you are going through sending you hugs and prayers :people_hugging:xxx

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Aw love … we all lost our loved ones on here so we understand how you feel :slight_smile: why do you say it was the NHS killed her ? You mean cos of her care ? Xxx

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So sorry for your loss. It’s so hard when we wonder if everything was done for our loved ones, that could be done. My husband was airlifted to a hospital 2 hours drive away from my home. By the time I found out he had an accident and drove to the hospital he was gone. Your mother had you with her at her most vulnerable time, and she knew you were there with her, and she was able to speak with you. Your children need you, just like you need your mother, like we all need our mothers. I know exactly how you feel when you say you feel you can’t carry on, it’s hard to get up every morning and face the day. Did you speak to anyone from the hospital about your concerns? Take care of yourself.

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No neglect and wrong treatment where given she died of infection which they caused that is why it hurts cause the doctor told us her cancer was not a death sentence yet there action lead to one

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Aw … thats sad live. NhS id in a right mess if you ask me ! I wasnt happy with my husbands care wither sonkniw the feeling ! Thet were so slow at picking up his illness and i blame them for that too :frowning: xx

I lost my mum back in 2003 she was 74 and although she had some health issues,she had a fall and broke her thigh bone to cut a long story short in my opinion i am sure she died with mrsa in her system it was never proven because there was no investigation or post mortem myself and my family were dealing with grief and just took the word of the hospital,when i had visited her the next day after she was admitted i had to ask the nurses that were sat on there main desk talking about personal things holidays etc if i could get a bowl of water so i could try and clean her hand and finger nails which had blood in them she must have been touching her wounded leg for that to have happened. Because of the trauma me and my brother had witnessed her go through the day before we had to watch her in the most excruciating pain crying out and being told there was nothing they could give her because of her blood pressure well you wouldn’t have let an animal go through this ,my poor mum did pull through to the next day when i phoned in the morning i was told she was much better and they had sat her out in a chair with a cup of tea i was so relieved and couldn’t believe she had pulled through after what we had both witnessed,then within the hour they rang me back to tell me she was unconscious and had taken a turn for the worse and we should get to the hospital has she wasn’t expected to pull through we got there and me and my husband bless him stayed with her till she sadly passed , i was not only distraught with grief but racked with guilt that i could have done more somehow, in hindsight i will never know whether the treatment she received was the cause of her death and even now after all these years i question it. She died from an aneurysm to the brain which i am sure was the mrsa in her system ,i am sorry to offload my memories on you when you are obviously in such grief and also questioning your mums care but i totally know how you are feeling and my heart goes out to you carrying this pain sending you love and strength and know you are not alone xxx

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