Feel like giving up

I lost my partner 4yrs ago and I thought things would get easier but I feel worse. I’m now disabled myself and I live with my daughter and son in law and granddaughter. Just lately I’ve been missing my partner so much and I feel extremely lonely even though people are always around. I just miss talking over problems with him and I really miss a hug when I’m feeling down. I hate the loneliness especially at night. I feel useless and in the way. I was with my partner for 34yrs and we were never apart. I just miss him so much.

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Hi Susan, I know exactly how you feel, I miss my husband so much somedays, those hugs and being able to talk things through are the most missed things in our lives. Somedays I am fine but then it comes crashing down and just at present it’s crashing down. It’s good to know we are not alone with our grief and that others out there feel just the same. I know I am fortunate having good health and very capable person but in the end we are still alone. I am glad you came back to the community and I know there are others who just the same. I am sending big hugs and blessings to you and I hope today will be a better day. Just watch for the heat and keep drinking. S xxxx


Seventeen months since my husband died of lung cancer aged 69. Finding life harder as time goes by. I have some weeks when I don’t see a living soul for days.
I wake in the mornings thinking, not another long day.
I have two sons but they have their own lives to live.


Yes, we had two sons and both live away. I could suggest looking at local groups, WI, bereavement or craft groups just to get you out but I also know how difficult that first step is, you have to be brave but honestly it is worth it. We have a number of activities in our village and just one would make the difference. Living on your own is not great, the only thing is that’s were we are. Not good by any means, the other things I have done is volunteering and getting myself a cat, I don’t know if any of this is helpful or gives you hope but I got to the point that I had to do something and you sound to be in the same place. Just think and I hope something will help. Keep in touch and I am sending big hugs and blessings. S xx


Hi to Susan and Carol and anyone else finding themselves in a similar position.
Sound advice from SusieM. We have to make that effort. I turned to my love of walking and found this to be very therapeutic as well as meeting up with other walkers usually with their dogs as I am. I can recommend a dog as you have no option but to go for walks and meet people. Anyone can go for a walk even a short one. I also love gardening and grow my own veggies, this in itself keeps me busy. Take things slowly and find what ticks your box. But do make that effort, what have you got to lose. A full day is always better to sitting alone at home and being lonely.
Take care all of you.

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Sound words pattidot it really is hard work to start with but we have to move on , we have no option, the world doesn’t stand still. We still have our grief which will never leave us, the memories, the love and hugs we miss but somehow we need to make the effort. Small baby steps and see were it takes you. S xxx

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My husband and I were Ramblers and I love to go out walking and having two dogs I had no option but to go out so it wasn’t so hard for me. I also had our allotments so I had to get working!!!
There are plenty of things out there to help us but it does take strength to make the effort. By going out and talking to other people you soon find out what is on offer locally.
I soon found that no one was going to do it for me. I had to be responsible for myself.
Of course I miss my husband and I am now in my third year. The pain will never leave me but I decided that I didn’t want to stay so sad and miserable all my life. What use was I to anyone like that.
I eventually started to take note of the plus sides in my life and not all the negatives.
Good luck to you.


Take care and look after yourself. xxx