I will be coming up for a year on 26 jan since my beloved passed away i miss him so much i cry every day it seems worse at night when I’m here by myself . I wish it was a nightmare that i wake up and have by beloved by my side i really miss him he brought so much joy to my life i feel so lost.
Hi @Duk45 ,
Thank you so much for sharing this with the community I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.
I also wanted to share this Sue Ryder article with you. It may help as you reach the anniversary: https://www.sueryder.org/grief-support/helping-you-cope-with-grief/death-anniversaries/
Take good care,
Thank you very much .I’ve read the information it is really helpful especially coming up to the first anniversary of my beloved passing. Thank you.