Feel so alone

Lost my soul mate. 20 years together went to bed and he didn’t wake up in the morning. We have a 12 year old daughter. I am struggling motivating myself to do simple tasks.


Hi Angela27 I am sorry for your loss.l lost my wife in December after 33 wonderful years together.It is hard to be motivated in the situation we are in, however you have a daughter that needs her mum.I wish we had had children but it was not meant to be.I think most people on this site are suffering with loneliness. We have lost the person who meant the world to us.Take care and I hope you find the motivation that you need.

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Loneliness is the most awful thing. I can’t eat or sleep. At times I feel like I am losing mind. I keep getting told that it will get better, but it doesn’t seem to. I just miss my life with the wonderful man I married.
Chin up my love, there are people who feel the same as you, and understand totally what you are going through. There’s no magic pill to take, you just have to endure the bad days and smile at things that make you happy. My two dogs help make me smile. Walking them and seeing bluebells, or a squirrel. Take care xxx


I’m so sorry for your loss. My darling passed in my arms 3 weeks ago and the huge hole in my world is too much to bear. After 45 years together I find the house so empty. So many people are so kind but they don’t understand unless they have experienced it.