Feel so guilty

Two years now and I still feel guilty about a lot of things
I feel guilty because I still have the friends we both made and now I’m making new ones
I feel guilty because I’m still living
I feel guilty because I’m left to enjoy our grand children it was all Rob ever wanted.
I feel guilty to just have a laugh although that’s not often
I feel guilty to even think about meeting someone else ( although it’s not on the cards but never say never)
I still have my wedding rings on because I feel they are a link .
I feel guilty because I didn’t save him
I feel guilty because I’m here and he’s not .


I’m almost 6 months into this journey none of us wanted to take and I can associate myself with your statements totally … don’t think I will ever take my wedding ring off as I am still married as far as I am concerned. Virtual hugs are here if you need them … take care


Sort of how I feel guilty about everything. My wedding was put on 39 years ago next week and that is where it is staying


I’m the same Kazzer. Just feel guilty x


I’ve kept my wedding ring on my finger as I’m still his wife, now his widow too ! I hate the guilt and try to rationalise but who am I kidding, thoughts to everyone on this terrible road