Feel things are getting worse

Seven weeks tomorrow since Steve went and I feel like its getting worse. The realisation that I have lost the life I had and all that is in front of me is a lonely existence. I am 59 and we had so many plans. Not sure I can get through this. No sleep again and palpitations in the night.

list my life


Hi Julibobs no sleep and palpitations in the night that is also my story. Like you our future was together just going along as we always had, then bang this terrible ending. I really feel for you and send my love and best wishes and hope you cope today as best you can, there must be a future for us all, we just have to be brave and find it gradually, take your time, big hugs x


@Juliebobs Totally get how you are feeling. I lost my husband 7 weeks ago as well. I understand your realisation of having lost the life you had and the plans you made that will never happen. My husband also had a long list of things we wanted to do which is now nvere going to happen. it is very painful. We just need to take one day at a time and live/exist in the now. I cannot think of the future at the moment as I don’t know what is going to happen.
I hope that the rest of the day will be better. Be kind to yourself and look after yourself. Sending you a big hug. xx


It’s 5 months for me and I think I have come to accept this is my life from now on. I don’t like it but I must make the most of it. I will always miss him and have a huge hole in my life but I must now make the best life I can for me. It’s what he would have wanted. I am arranging a funeral plan for myself on Tuesday. There would be no one who would know what I wanted so I will make sure. You are all so so early in in your journey but please push forward. It is very painful but otherwise you stagnate. Xx. Sandra


Thankyou Pudding. Wise words. Xx

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@Juliebobs . I am considerably older than you at nearly 72 and have always been pragmatic. But not everybody can do it. I accept that. I too couldn’t sleep. Recently it is getting better though usually up at 05:30. My carers come at 07:00 a lot of days. It plays havoc with the fuel bills particularly as it is getting colder. Keep string and ride those waves.


I lost my husband 7weeks ago and also feel things ars getting worse. Ive cried all day and feel like ending it. Noone understands how it feels. Im okay when i see my family but crumble on my own. We were together 54 years and did everything together.

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. No one understands how we feel. Only us who are going through it. I tried to explain to my friend today, we’ve lost parents and you grieve, but your partner was there to comfort and help you, but now they aren’t there to help you when you need them most.


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How do you cope. I cant lift myself out of depression.

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It is still too early for you. You will find without knowing it one day you will feel better. You can always talk to your GP. I tried anti depressants but couldn’t take the side effects. Xx.