feel totally lost

Lost my 27 yr old daughter 6 weeks ago and don’t know how to move on.

Lost my wife suddenly 13 yrs ago also and just cannot accept it again

I’m so sorry for your loss. How cruel life can be. I lost my husband suddenly back in March and the pain is unbearable. I lost my close friend, who was such amazing support for me, 2 months later. Both taken way to soon. That’s the closest I have been to feeling anything like your pain and I can only guess it’s nowhere close.
I wish I had words of wisdom but as you are so aware there doesn’t appear to be any easy route out of this horrible journey.

Please stay strong, take help where you can and keep posting. We are here to support you where we can.

I am so sorry, to suffer one close bereavement is hard ship enough, it’s so so unfair to have to revisit that terrible pain and grief , I lost my 19 year old daughter 11 years ago and my beautiful son aged 23 lady June I am so shocked and still live in utter disbelief why do some people seem to suffer so much , i hope you find comfort in sharing your experience on this site and finding some help to get you through the days ahead, sending you love and strength x

Thanks for the message I don’t think there are levels of pain or grieve when anyone looses someone so close as a partner or child. It just hurts terribly.

Thanks for the message, it is very kind of you