Feeling alone angry and scared

Hiya Thankyou to anyone who reads this I have been struggling with depression for many years but grief is consuming me I feel empty inside I’m having nightmares about losing my family I feel angry and very anxious all the time I’m just not coping well I lost my twin boys due to premature labour in 2007 lost my dad in 2019 and my grandad in 2012

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Hi, you have had a lot to cope with so it’s no wonder you feel like you do. You have done the right thing coming on here where people who are grieving like you will understand.
Have you asked you doctor for help? And what about counselling? Sue Ryder does that too, but I think there is a bit of a wait. In the meantime, I am sure others on here will talk to you. You are not alone and we all try to help and support each other. Keep posting, we are here.

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Hiya I’ve told my doctor I’m feeling very low quite a few times I just get told to carry on with anti depressants which I don’t feel are helping me Thankyou for taking the time to reply I feel like I’m trapped in a horrible bubble and cannot find a way out xx

That is a shame. I know it’s a hard thing to do but I think you should go back to the doctor and tell them that. Stand your ground. They aren’t suffering. You are, and you need help.
Let me know how it goes. X

Hello Teegie1989.

You sound very lost and alone at present. Please know we are listening, we are here for you. I can see you have contacted your GP, but as mentioned, it might be a good idea to contact them again, mentioning you feel the medication isn’t working.
It might be a good idea to contact Cruse Bereavement, they offer a helpline, email support, and counselling and support groups through their local services: 0808 808 1677, helpline@cruse.org.uk.
If you feel so low your thoughts are of harming yourself, please call the Samaritans. They have a 24/7 free helpline: 116 123 and contactable on jo@samaritans.org.
Also, Friends in Need, are a depression community with online forums and offline meet-ups, https://friendsinneed.co.uk/.
We are also here for you. Sue Ryder offers an online bereavement counselling service. This is a free service and sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. There’s more information about this service here: www.sueryder.org/counselling

Take care,
Online Community Team