Feeling alone

It’s been 3mths nearly since my dad died, but the last couple of days, I’ve felt so alone, how can you be surrounded by people, but feel alone in your head and your heart? :pensive:

I just posted my first message feeling this way too

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I lost my dad on Christmas eve. I feel the same. So lonely and lost

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It’s really horrible, I’m so glad you both replied, I suppose it’s normal to feel this way, but I really hate feeling like this, especially when I have my mum and my partner and my sons! Anyway here to talk if either of you want to x

Hello, I feel the same, this week has been so difficult, I lost my mum two months ago and although I do have family, I feel alone most of the time and tearful most of the time too. It helps being part of this online community.

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Because you had a special bond with your dad and you can’t just have that with anyone. I know because you can talk and confide in a 1000 people and the reply you get won’t be what your dad would say. I know like so many on here how tough it can be Sorry for your loss.


It’s hard isn’t it. Sometimes I get on with things and then think oh I’ve not seen mum… then reality hits and I start the grief all over again. It’s the little things that hit most.
That and feeling alone in the world like I don’t belong, no safety net to go back to.

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Exactly! @Keith68 no-one will ever reply the same way that the person you lost will.
My Mum passed 7 months ago and i dont have any family, my partner and children, but none that knew my mum like me. I feel lonely a lot, theres no-one that will never judge, never critisise, never support or have my back like my Mum did. I lost my childhood home too and had to grieve for that … i have no-one and no-where to turn to when I just need my Mum.

I got friends that are helping but I wanted a hug because I had bad luck with my health and I knew it couldn’t be even if mum had been alive. Mum was 95 and had dementia, slept a lot so I knew what I had was gone more or less. I think I feel lost in today’s world, I use Tik Tok quite a bit and there’s a few videos of how life was and the TV was when I was growing up. I just miss it all so much and I know I’m not on my own. The times I see the words I want to go back. The person who invents time travel will be the richest person on the planet. Everyone is really unhappy today!

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