Feeling anxious

Hi lovely people :pray::sparkling_heart::blue_heart::pray: I’m at 9 months in the grief and I feel worse than ever, don’t want to be in my house, is anyone else like this, I feel like I’m losing the plot xx


Hi Mollymayson,

I’m so sorry that you’re lovely husband Steve died. It’s very hard to carry on when you miss the one you love so very much. You said that your son was getting married in September, I hope that the day went well and you managed better than you might have thought. I am seven months in to this horrible process and even just writing this down it still doesn’t seem real to me. As you say, even with children and grandchildren it is so lonely, as they have their own lives to live, as it should be. I hope your dogs bring you some comfort. Some of the lovely people on this site are further along this road so may have more to offer. Take care.X


Oh and by the way you are not losing the plot. It’s hard to know whether to be in the house or go out. My head is all over the place.X


Hi molly

I’m exactly the same I’m in 8 months it’s getting harder than easier your not losing plot your still healing


I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I think I am lucky in that I feel my house is my sanctuary as there are so many things my soulmate did in the house and garden to make the house and garden our home from a new build. Now I find it a great relief to come home and I feel his presence here. I hope one day you will feel the same, but as everyone on here will tell you the pain of loss will not go, we just learn to cope with it. Best wishes to all.

Hi @Mollymayson, you are by no means losing the plot, I think we have all felt like this at somepoint in our grief or still are, just know that your not alone we are all here for you :heart: xxx