Feeling depressed

Spent most of the day sorting through mum’s clothes to see what to donate to charity shops, some things I can’t part with as hold memories. Doesn’t help that both mum and me were shoppaholics, I’m getting rid of some of my things too. Feeling really depressed now, maybe it was too early to do this.


I am there with you. Ive “inherited” all my mommys things. Its 5 yrs now and im having difficulty sorting mommys things out. Please trust how you feel and dont be hard on yourself. Only make decisions when you are feeling calm.

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Ive been doing the same this weekend. And its brought alot of emotions up. Its so difficult to get my head round.
Dont be hard on yourself its not easy xc

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Could you wait a while doing it, or do you have to? If there’s no rush it might be better to hold off until you feel ready.

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Ive found it too difficult to sort through mums stuff yet but find it easier to sort through my own to free up some space. Not sure if its something youve considered but there are stores that will take items of loved ones clothing and turn them into keepsake animals or quilts - im contemplating doing this with a few items.

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