Feeling down

I feel so down today not going anywhere and staying in all the time this lockdown is not good for us. Wishing all the time that my husband will appear and talk to me again and make everything back to normal and a reason to go on living.

Hi. Sugar. These days happen. The old ‘YO YO’ effect. Up one day down the next. It’s the fluctuation of our emotions. Some things ‘trigger’ us off. A sight of a place we remember being at with our loved one, The sound of music or even a smell can do it. I have found that the pain lessens as time passes. It’s always there, of course it is, but I can see the light getting brighter. At times I do sink into the old lost and lonely feeling, but I manage to allow it to pass without resistance as it always does. Emotions come and go and I know that and accept it will happen. Acceptance is still the key to helping the pain. It’s not easy, and anyone who says it is can give me some advice! But given the will and understanding it can be done. Take care. John.

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Hi sugar
I’ve only lost my wife 3 weeks today and what I have realised is no-one can understand unless gone through the same although everybody experiences it in a different way. I use this forum as part of my support network as it’s all I have. We are all down together and missing our other halves.
I hope I can support others as I’m being supported myself.
Use the site at all times as many s night I get a response in early hours.
As I keep being told. Look after yourself

Thanks for your message. Not feeling so bad now and I realize that I have to stay strong for my two children. They need encouragement to help them through their days, which is hard enough, especially now with all these extra worries placed upon us.

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Don’t worry if your daughter’s are responding diffent to you. My wife leaves her mum who although housebound with mobility issues appears not to be affected. I on the other hand is a complete mess. We never had children and were a private couple enjoying wash others company but it means this site is my support. Make sure you use it day or night.

Sorry to hear about your loss. It very early days for you. When this stock happen to me before christmas I did not think a could go on any long as my world had stopped. I miss my husband all the time and probably always will but I believe it will get easier and life goes on.

Like you I’m hoping it gets easier although I never want to forget the loss of my wife. In some strange way the heart pain I feel reminds me of how much I love her