Feeling hysterical

I’ve started to feel hysterical about the loss of my partner.
Hysterical as in I just can’t go on with thin.
I don’t know how to cope with this feeling m
Can anyone help me?


I don’t know if I can help but I seem to be going through something similar. I suppose it might make you feel a bit better knowing that you aren’t alone with these feelings. I’ve got progressively more anxious the last week or so and it’s making me question everything, so you might say I’m feeling a little hysterical in that I really don’t know what to do now. Sorry if I’m not much help, having a weird few days…


I am so sorry that you are feeling like this but, I can honestly tell you that it is unfortunately a part of grieving. It can just hit you at a second’s notice.
I lost my dear husband 33 weeks tomorrow and I have felt hysterical many times. I even hit the wall once and hurt my hand.
When it happens to me now, I sit quietly and take deep breaths and try and relax, think about all the wonderful memories you have. Alternatively, is it possible for you to go outside and walk about a bit to get some air.
I hope you soon feel more relaxed.
Sending hugs x


i have the same feelings as you,it’s so bad and there’s nothing we can do, just waiting everyday to be able to join my husband ,it seems so long since he was here with me,it’s only 5 weeks don’t know how much longer i can bear this ,i know we are all suffering x


@AlysonandSteve As @Rome18 says it’s very much a part of grieving. I thought I was losing my mind at points and couldn’t believe the intensity of the emotions I was experiencing. But it will pass, again as Rome18 says, trying to actively calm yourself by measured breathing helps, there’s a technique that I found worked for me, it’s called 4-7-8 and you breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 and out for 8.


Thank you all so much.
I just can’t accept I’ve lost the most perfect man.
I’m starting to feel suicidal as I just can’t be without him anymore.
It’s been 5 months and I can’t stand this pain any longer.
I’m so sorry I’m so depressing…I guess I’m just crying out for help xx

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@AlysonandSteve You sound as if you are really struggling just now. It might help to talk to someone directly. I’ve linked The Samaritans below:


Or just keep posting on here if you prefer. But please remember you’re not alone in this, we’ve been there where you are just now. You can get through this.


I feel the same. I have such wonderful friends snd family they are do kind so loving couldn’t be more there good me but as much as I want that love I just want my msn back the pain is just as bad after nearly 5 months I can’t see what there is left in life without him. I can’t believe I have to carry on without him I wish I could touch his hand or stroke his face or tease him and watch his gentle smile. I am still in shock I can’t believe I’ll never ever see or touch or speak to him again I’m 79 too old to start afresh I don’t want to cause other people opt my family psin so I pretend I’m not too bad but inside I just want to know how can I go on why was he taken ? Did I do something wrong did I not see he was sick. Why would anyone have the right to take him ftom me after so many years. I loved him so so much we enjoyed being together on our own so much but now when I’m with other people even my family I’m alone. My memories are wonderful we had the best of lives together but it means nothing I just want him back now.


@Alwaystrue It is very difficult isn’t it. The guilt of why my wife rather than me is always a struggle, I don’t think it will ever make any sense to be honest. As you say the shock does take a long time to move away, it all takes time to rebuild and to be able to smile. For me I’m able to think about my wife happily now, not always but it’s getting easier, it makes all the difference for being able to accept how things are. It’s been over 9 months for me now and things have gotten much less consuming, they do come back to you in a way. Not the same I know but I’ve found I’m starting to make my peace with it.


Hello again
I am not just saying this but, honestly, I have had desperate thoughts since I lost my husband. We were so happy together, I didn’t want to go on without him and I still don’t, but we have to because the alternative is not worth it. My husband would want me to live my life as best I can. I am sure yours would too. It isn’t easy and I have terrible melt-downs but I keep going. It isn’t easy.
Have you had any counselling, it helped me as I found it very good to be able to bring out all of my feelings to someone who didn’t know me.
Alternatively, do you know anybody who you could talk to and who would really listen.
@Walan has sent you a link to The Samaritans, it is worth trying to speak with someone there.
Sending hugs x


yes i feel like you just want him back

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your not alone all my days are weird it’s not getting any better just worse,it’s good we have this site to meet others going through the same as us,it does help x