Feeling invisible now!!

Hello I lost my husband, my best friend to bowel cancer 4 months ago. I feel so isolated from my in-laws. I’m treated like I don’t exist. So hurtful I always said one day I will become a distant memory. My husband always said don’t be so silly. But I do feel I’m right anyone else feel this way ? Or am I just overthinking :woman_shrugging:t3:x

No your not being silly, my in laws always made me an outsider, my husband’s mum passed away 6 years ago and it was just his dad. He didn’t come to the funeral when my husband passed away. He said he was ill turns out that he didn’t want to pay for a train ticket to come (i didn’t mind., hes 82). Why didn’t he just say that he didn’t want to come.
None of my husband’s family came to his funeral except his best friend who travelled from Wales.
Ive not heard from his dad since the Monday my husband was in the hospital( I m glad mind).He hasn’t rang or texted to ask how im doing.

Iouxox you’re not overthinking, but it’s just reality time. Did they keep in contact when your husband was alive? I think it’s probably the same for most of us - we had friends that came to the house every week and I’ve never seen them since the funeral and yet others ( not related) have been wonderful.
It’s different for your in-laws as whilst they have lost a brother their lives haven’t really changed. You have lost your soul mate and your life will never be the same again. Your future that you had planned has been snatched away from you and they don’t understand ( and can’t until it happens to them). You are not just grieving your husband but your future. Sending a big hug on the worst day of the week xx