Feeling lonely

@Linda_44 hi I am sorry for your loss and yes evenings are hard I also find mornings really hard

Thank you, are you OK today?

I’m as ok as I can be

@Heather.1964 I’m as ok as I can be how are you today

I was feeling very lonely earlier as my daughter has gone out with her friend but I am feeling a bit better now thanks.

@Heather.1964 I’m glad you are feeling a bit better it helps talking to people on here everyone is nice and understands

Good. Was your wife’s death unexpected if you don’t mind me asking?

@Heather.1964 I don’t mind you asking no it wasn’t expected she was in hospital with breathing problems and swollen legs and feet ulcers on her feet she died 3 weeks to the day she went in she was found unconscious they said she had gone into cardiac arrest they tried to resuscitate but couldn’t get a rhythm

I’m so sorry, do you have supportive folks around you?

@Heather.1964 thankyou no I don’t its just me and our 3 pets now I go weeks without talking to anyone unless it’s on here

Animals are good company but it’s not the same as talking to a person. Your wife didn’t look very old on the photo.

@Heather.1964 its an old photo she hated her picture being taken its the only one I have of us together

@Heather.1964 she was 52 I’m 54 its our anniversary next month it would have been 21 years

Oh I see. Nice to chat with you, I have to go and get my daughter now, she just texted me. Hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.

@Heather.1964 thanks you too stay safe

Anytime im on here i like to reply where i can, so ut can help anyone. As others have tried to help me.

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Hi Heather,
I can empathise with your loneliness. I also lost my soul-mate and partner in 2019 from cancer. It is just so hard going without him. My best friend has been brilliant but she is now working fulltime, and I am badly missing the opportunity to visit her and interact with her. It makes the gap from losing my partner just that much bleaker. Every day I have to think what can I do today to get through. I feel I should be getting out more and starting to develop new friendships and new interests but I seem to lack the motivation and the energy. I think grief is very complex and everyone has to find their own pathway through it, but it is easy to feel lost along the way. And lockdown hasn’t helped. Good to share these things though, so one doesn’t feel so alone.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts Susy. You’re absolutely right, lockdown has made things a lot worse. I feel lonelier now than I did when my husband first died. Grief is definitely a strange place and it’s hard to navigate if you haven’t really been here before. I have a daughter so I am not completely alone but I do miss my other half. I found I couldn’t listen to music at first but I am increasingly finding comfort in it.
If you feel talking again, that would be great. Enjoy the rest of your day.


I have been looking on E Harmony and other sites but dont feel i can make the plunge yet but i miss male company its different conversation to women can you make that next step.

I am the same Tilly. Having spent 26 years with my husband it is taking some getting used to. I am going in town tomorrow to a protest, maybe I’ll meet someone like-minded there?
Have you seen anyone you like the look of? Is it long since you lost your husband?
Heather x