I am not sure a forum will help, but I am so lost. I have just lost my wonderful husband, who was my everything, my best friend my soul mate.
Everything happened so quickly, he was failed by the professionals who ignored his signs and concerns so when he was finally diagnosed it was to late. From diagnosis to passing was 7 weeks. He deteriorated so rapidly we had no time to process or even do anything.
He passed away at home with me by his side, which is what we both wanted.
I am so lost I can’t see any light and can’t imagine carrying on without him. He passed on weds, his birthday is Monday, our wedding anniversary is the 4th.
How do I get through each day?
Know exactly how you feel I lost my husband yesterday suddenly and I just feel so empty and alone maybe we can navigate this together
I’m so sorry you have to go through this terrible pain. Its been 5 weeks for me. Don’t think of the future. Don’t wonder how you will survive and cope. Concentrate on each day, or even each hour. You will find that you can get to the end of the day. Then just repeat. Some days you may feel you are coping then you will have days where you feel you really are not. You may not want to see people or leave the house. Just try and structure your day, do what you need to do. There will be lots of sadmin to do and you won’t feel like dealing with it, and I have found lots of incompetent people. But most of all be kind to yourselves. Look after your needs. There is no hurrying this. But keep reading posts on here. You will see you are not alone. Post your thoughts its all good therapy and we can all help each other.
I’m very sorry for your loses.
Grief is a personal journey. No right or wrong way. No timetable on how you should feel by a certain date.
On 24th November it will be a year since I lost my hubby.
All I can say to you is. Take each day as it comes. Don’t be hard on yourself for the way you feel.
If you want to cry - cry.
If you want to scream - scream.
If something puts a smile on your face - don’t feel bad. It’s going to happen.
Just be kind to yourself.
Come on here and talk, rant. We all been there.
Sending hugs xx
Ladies, I am nearly 2 months in and I can only tell you how I made it this far.
You pay the bills and feed the pets. You feed yourself. You shower, brush your teeth and comb your hair.
You keep easy, nutritious food readily available as you may have to force yourself to eat. For me, I boil a dozen eggs, make a nice chicken salad, a big green salad without dressing and put it all in the fridge. I keep chopped fruits and vegetables in the fridge too. Nuts, raisins and chocolates. Drink a glass of whole milk everyday. Nibble all day, a bit at a time.
Likely you are getting 4-5 hours of sleep. It is okay and expected. At about 6 weeks, I was able to get more sleep. You need sleep and if you are having trouble getting proper rest, call you physician for some meds. No one can function without sleep.
I write a list of 5 things I must do each day, get them done and check them off. It reassures me that I am not neglecting everything.
I live hour by hour. To plan in advance is beyond my cocoon of numbness and fog.
I do not think about the future without my husband, I don’t think of the future I lost and I can not think of the fact that I will never see him again - ever - because I will collapse completely.
It is horrible. I hate everything about being a widow. It is a club we get thrown into which we can never quit.
We will survive. We are surviving. One day surviving will become living. Just not yet. In 18 months we will all be in different places mentally and physically. The numbness and shock will subside. The fog will lift. The physical pain will not be so intense. Meanwhile, we are walking wounded.
Much love. You will make it.
Hi Mrs S
I feel whatvyiuvare going through but husband took only 3 week from diagnosis to passing because of being misdiagnosed before that.
It us hard but i believe one daycit wilk be better.
I bought a grief journal where i pour out my pain and frustrations, it helps .
Give yourself time to process. Hugs
Thank you just knowing there is somewhere I can speak to others who know how I feel is great x
Thank you x
You’re welcome. Here if you want to chat
Thank you so much x
Just take it one breath at a time. I know that sounds simplistic. Take everything as slowly as you can.