Feeling lost and out of control

I lost my husband in July. We had been together for 28 years Married for less than a year, got married when he got his terminal diagnosis. I felt as if a grieved for the first 4 months of his illness - he was told that without chemo he had 4 months, with Chemo possibly a year - but then after that I felt like I was just waiting for him to die. I feel I’ve done so well up to Christmas and the new year, then my sense of loss has hit hard. I’ve left him behind in last year, we’re moving on and he’s not coming with us.


Its just so hard for us who are left behind ! Its just the pits really starting all over again to try and re- build our life … ;( im a year in and its still tough xx

I understand how you feel , starting a new without our loved is really hard , I think it’s harder than Christmas , just have to take it day by day , look after yourself , best wishes

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