Feeling lost

Lost my husband of 31 years a week ago. Sitting feeling lost after spending the last10 years caring for him I just don’t see a future now. A house filled with carers 4 times a day nurses drs hospital appointments and my wonderful brave and always humorous husband. Now nothing no one just memories the pain is awful.

Hi Poppy very sorry for your loss. Very early days for you. I lost Mick 5 months ago hardest thing I have ever gone through together 36 years. Hope you have family/ friends around you. X

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Hi. Poppy. Welcome. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Everyone here knows and understands, you are in good company and among friends.
Being so busy caring took up all your time and appointments and keeping things in order occupied your whole day. Now, suddenly, all that has ended and you are left only with painful memories. There is a future, but it may seem so distant and almost impossible to comprehend. I have seen so many come on here who have almost given up, but a year later are on here helping others. Hope is so fleeting, here one day and gone the next. I do know. It’s the ups and downs of grief. Take it easy, well as easy as you can manage. Allow emotions to come. Please come back and talk to us whenever you feel the need. You will be met with love and understanding. Blessings. John.

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Dear Poppy
I feel for you and understand exactly what you mean. I too had cared for my darling husband for 9 years, with a cruel illness. We had 8 Carers a day, Palliative and District Nurses daily , Doctor often. The house did not feel our own. Then suddenly as soon as I lost Tony, they all disappeared, the house is so quiet. It’s very hard adjusting. Finding so much time now, after years of never having much time to myself. But how I’d have that back if I could.
You are at a very early stage, I am 8 months further ahead, it’s still lonely, but it does get a little easier to cope with. Although I hate it. Only those who have faced this devastating grief can understand the pain,
Be kind to yourself, I hope you have good friends around you.
Try not to think too far ahead , just get through a bit by bit.
I wish I could ease your pain. But on here we all know what your going through, sending love