Feeling lost

My father past a few weeks ago after caring for him for 18 months when he was diagnosed terminally ill. With being a mother. Working and looking after my father I became mentally and physically exhausted. Now since my father died I feel at a loss. I miss him so much and when he died at home I saw a lot of pain and suffering which is haunting me that I have nightmares. On top of this this past year I have had a situation where my child was being groomed by a pedophile and because of this have had police and social workers at my door investigating me and my family and this monster only got 27 months. I feel let down by police because this man lived down my road and noone was informed. He friended my husband and used him to get to my son. I have so many emotions right now I feel I’m going to burst. What do I do?

@Mummalove6 hi I am so very sorry for your loss I lost my partner in April I would suggest just taking one day at a time understandably you’re emotions are going to be all over the place I am so sorry for what happened with your child as well I hope they are ok and that you all have support around you keep posting on here you will find support we all try to help eachother as best as we can I’m often around if you want to chat I hope the nightmares ease sue ryder also offers grief counselling you could also try cruse stay safe and take care sending hugs x

know how you feel did the same with hubby, nursed him at home, through lockdown, got no help, he had cancer. He passed on 6th April. I have a lot of time on my hands now, I struggle to fill it, It made it hard as insurance company has gone into liquidation, so I having to fight the brokers to sign us up with them, Its time like this we need help not a pile of mess.

I’m sorry hun for your loss. It’s hard when you don’t get the support. I have my children off school at mo which helps to keep me busy but I miss my dad so much. Lost my 1st husband to cancer and my dad was there as my rock. With the case of what I went through with my son and that sick son of a b. My dad was my rock even while he was ill. I hide my feelings from family through not wanting to upset them for they are grieving too.

Thank you hun. I have so many mixed feelings at mo. Anger and guilt for what that son of a b was trying to do to my son. Upset. Missing my dad. Will try the grief counselling as suggested and take it from there x