feeling lost

Dynamo, it is awful, I think so, when the emotions are overhelming, and have no control over them. And it is painful that instead of paying attention to yourself you have to check the people around you, if you bother them. Grive is enough pain without this. I have read a book, It’s OK that you are not OK, it is a very very commiserative, condolent book. Big hugs, Dynamo.

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Have you noticed the silence in a room now, when you live on your own it’s endlessly I never noticed before my Michael was alive my life was so full, Never still for a moment, I sometimes wonder how I’m going to get through the day, I have a dog it’s still not enough I have two sons who talk to you it’s still not enough the day is endless

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Yes, silence is painful, and nothing is enough, because who you want to be and talk to with isn’t here. I know that I am not enough for mum as well, beacuse I am not my dad.

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Thank you Apu I’m reading the book its ok not to be ok Im forming some sort of understanding of why I’m feeling so sad and a lot more about grief It the only literature I’ve read that makes any sense of the craziness im living with big hugs xx

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Big hugs, Dynamo. This grief is unbearable with this helping book yet. Talk, think, write and cry, and sleep, I am trying with this, but the reality is that he isn’t here any more.

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For me at the moment it’s never ending, l cry very little now, but l am in a stage of misery, that l really try to get out of, but end up sinking into it again, weather it feeling sorry for myself, or just sad, l walked my dog 4 times a day, but it’s doesn’t make a difference to my mood, l am hoping l get through the winter to a new spring and maybe a happier me


I pull for you to be a happier you in the new spring, I hope you will be!
Now I have to do a lot of things, but just sitting and reading and doing nothing, I have a headache etc. I don’t make myself to do anything. Hugs.

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