Feeling lost

I’m sure everyone says this, but this is all very new to me. I lost my dad in July after caring for him for the last 3 years. Both dad and I loved Christmas and I am dreading this first Christmas.


Hello Jay, pleased you found us and yes Christmas is something most of us dread. It’s supposed to be a happy time but for many it’s not but remember it’s just one day and by the 27 it’s all gone for another year. I am sorry that your dad had to go and I admire you for all the care and the love you gave him, he must have been a wonderful person. You should be very proud of the care you gave him. Bless you for all you did. S xx

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Thank you Susie for your kind words. My dad was my rock, an amazing person and I miss him beyond words and am struggling to find “me” again.

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Hi Jay . I’m so sorry about your dad . I was a carer to my mum and she passed in June , like you i am dreading this first Christmas without her . Its a tough but wonderful thing to care for a loved one , take care x

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Hi Angie, thank you, im sorry about your mum too. You’re right, it was a privilege to care for my dad, he was a wonderful man and my rock for many years. You take too and thank you for your kind words and be proud of all you did for your mum x


Hi Jay , thank you for your kind words . We can both be proud . Goodnight , take care x

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