Feeling lost

Been over a month now since my sister passed away and I still don’t know what she died of so there as to be a inquest of the death so I feel that I have no closer yet so feeling so lost with out my sister she was 75 she would have been 76 on the 16th of April on her birthday we always went out for the day and had a meal so this year I shall buy her a bunch of flowers and a card for her birthday some say that it is silly doing that but I don’t care what others say she was my sister I loved her some much even though she would nag at me but I have felt so lost since she is not here

Hi Sue, I thinks it’s a lovely idea to buy flowers and a card for your sisters birthday, I put flowers on my parents and husbands graves every year on their birthdays, you do what ever makes it more bearable, sending love Jude xx

Dear Sue51

I saw that you left a message a few hours ago and didn’t want you to think we don’t care. So here I am, a Sue Ryder volunteer to welcome you to our posts.

People try to help and prevent us from feeling more pain when we are suffering loss, but I can tell you now, that you have to follow your own heart and instincts. I too would buy my sister flowers and spend time with her on her birthday if that was what I wanted to do.

I’m so very sorry you have lost your sister, you will have had such a deep bond withe her, no matter if you did fall out sometimes, that’s normal. You were there from the start of your lives, shared parents and experiences, and as we age somehow that means more than anything in the world.
I wish you so much comfort Sue, be kind to yourself, and write on here if you’re not coping, we are here for you.

best wishes


Thank you so very much your words mean a lot xxxx

Oh thank toy Miche for those words of comfort I truly appreciate it things are not the same and never will be but I shall have to cope with it

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