Feeling lost

My soulmate George died at the end of November 22, I am lost without him, my future is empty. We were together for 56 years, so being without him is unbearable at times. My lovely daughter has helped me to get through all the official stuff, which has been a huge help.
I feel like half of me has died, because we were so close, I imagine that he is still here but has become part of me now, is that wierd?
I also feel so guilty as I couldn’t revive him when he had a cardiac arrest at home, that will stay with me always


I’m so sorry you have also been through this terrible loss and have the need for this forum. I didn’t have as much time with my beloved husband but almost 29 years of marriage and time together before that for many years and it is a huge gap in my life.

You will undoubtedly still be in shock and disbelief that this could be real. Be kind to yourself and don’t expect too much of yourself. I know I didn’t understand the enormity of losing your partner in life and your soulmate until it happened to me. For that I feel guilty about not being in contact enough with people I know who have been through the same. I hope I will change how I am there for anyone else who suffers this loss.

There are many people on here who will support you with caring, wisdom and a virtual shoulder to cry on.
Love from me too.
Karen xxx


@G2Gx I also lost my partner at the end of November 22, I am so sorry for your loss. It is such an horrendous life we have now begun. I don’t want to be here because like you I died when she did & don’t want a life without her but unfortunately have to until we are hopefully finally reunited.
We are all in this together & this site is a great help so keep posting & we’ll be here for you xx

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Thanks for being there, it does help to be able to say how you feel on this forum