Feeling lost

I lost my 28 year old daughter in September then my eldest sister in November, My sister has always been my rock and always listen and put on the right path with the right advice she was my biggest supporter after losing my daughter, My sister’s ashes was laid to rest yesterday I I couldn’t deal with going to the grave yard as still don’t seem real I lost my daughter suddenly then shortly after suffering the lose off her to, Feel I’ve lost myself in this short process off time my emotions are all over the place with losing two off the most precious people in my life don’t want to go out and communicate with anyone and have this horrible emptyness feeling in my heart.
Feel like they’ve both taken a part off me with them.


Hi there
I can not imagine how you are feeling, a daughter and sister in the same year and so quickly after each other.

I think this numbness is a natural emotional response to your loss. Be kind to yourself. Allow others to be kind to you too. Take each day as it comes. You are moving forward.

X x x


Thankyou for your kindness taking every second off every day right now has it comes and letting my emotions flow, do feel a little better after sharing my thoughts and feelings on here and reaching out for understanding thankyou again means a lot
Sending a big hug your way

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I am truly sorry for the loss you are suffering,
Your daughter was so young, To then lose your sister in such a short time after must weigh heavily on you.
I hope you can find some peace soon.
Reach out for support wherever it appears. it’s lovely we have this community where we can share our feelings with others who have some understanding about what we are going through.


Thankyou am so glad I was advised about sue Ryder community website have found it really helpful to relieve my thoughts and feelings on here,
My two nieces cleared out my sister’s belongings yesterday in which my brother in law still lives there, we all was a little close but haven’t spoken to my two nieces since my sister’s heavenly birthday on the 2nd January when my one niece said she would pick me up to go up the grave to take some flowers up .
And she didn’t get in contact with me and feel as if they’ve gone very distant with me, and I haven’t messaged my niece either since then, I did get to take flowers up as my brother in law took me up a week later,
And I really would off liked some off my sister’s belongings but really don’t know how to o approach the situation with my niece now as it’s been a few weeks i haven’t spoken to them, Feeling a little confused at the moment
Sending hugs to everyone

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When grief is so rife clear communication gets almost impossible.
Trying to be sensitive to everyone who is experiencing the great loss can be very challenging.
Everyone feels they have the most pain but all who had a relationship with the person who died is experiencing the loss.
Trying to remain the adult is so difficult. I sent a number of messages which were read and not acknowledged. There was no communication.
After a number of rebuffs I send love and await for the next moves from others who are also experiencing the loss.
It’s so hard to feel loss without also feeling blame. We need to identify our own feelings and acknowledge them.
It’s such a horrible time. I had hoped we would all be together as a family in our grief but everyone copes differently and as it’s not a linear process are at different stages.
I hope this doesn’t read as rambling and it makes some sense.
Take care


Aww thankyou so much and no you wasn’t rambling on lol,
I’ve took your advice on board and just give my one niece a little message and feel a little better for it.
And realise myself we all grieve differently and go through many different processes.
Off grief.
And feel I can leave it to her now hopefully she will reply who no’s.
But thankyou kindly again x

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Just a quick update I messaged my niece yesterday
( Saying just wondering how your feeling and I been thinking off you)
And received a lovely reply from her in which I feel much more at peace and and it would be what my sister wanted.
Feeling on a positive note to self this morning sending a big hug to anyone
Who needs one right now x

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Isn’t it amazing how we live in our heads creating narratives and by taking control with an act of kindness it can change how we are feeling.
I am so pleased for you and hope the relationships with your nieces can be slowly rebuilt.
Lots of good wishes

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Thankyou how are you yourself x

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Trying to rebuild my life.
It’s been a traumatic year as my husband‘s diagnosis meant no hope.
I cared for him at home so watched his deterioration.
It’s incredibly sad. It’s moments to moments as to how I am.
Acknowledging and allowing the flow is all I can do but I am also grateful that the support is out there.
I am joining things in my neighbourhood which is hard to be motivated to do but it makes my day easier.

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Aww bless you, I’m so sorry
It’s good to get out into the community and mix with people takes your mind off things for a while,
I volunteer in a charity shop twice a week and really enjoy it,
Find it breaks my week up with a little routine.
Sending a big hug your way you gave me the most amazing advice and I can’t thank you enough,
Be proud off yourself
One day at a time every second off every day is different x

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