Feeling low


I’m feeling very low at the moment and just wondered I anyone wanted to chat, I only speak by comments tho not private messaging sorry.

I thought I would tell a little of my story so you know why I am struggling. So last year I lost my little sister then two months later my mum passed :cry: :broken_heart: :pensive: my heart completely broke after loosing two beautiful people from my life. I was lost!

Then earlier this year my stepdad passed too! I just feel so sad most of the time, I thought had dealt with it but I haven’t so any help/support or advice would be greatly appreciated.

I hope to hear from someone soon,

Thank you for reading! Take care :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for your kind words!

I just feel very low most of the time, I sometimes wonder why my partner puts up with me, we have been together for 5 years and tbh I feel like all I do is bring him trouble :frowning:

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Thank you that’s very kind!

We do talk things through together and it doesn’t help but it’s not the same as speaking to someone you don’t know or that’s maybe been through a similar situation :confused:

I really appreciate your responses, not many people really talk to me on here, I don’t know why.

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I’m very sorry for your losses, I’m glad that you have got happy memories tho because they are so very important!

I hope I learn to live with this pain and grief because at the moment it’s pretty much controlling me!

Thank you for sharing your story with me.

Hello Stargirl 93,

I so sorry for your loss and the pain you are going through. Grief can be so overwhelming but you are not alone and the Online Community is always here to support you. I can guide you to Cruse Bereavement Support (UK). They provide free care and bereavement counselling/help/support to people like yourself who are suffering from grief.

It is ok to feel sad you have been through alot and you do need time to grieve. The way you are feeling is normal and part of the grieving process. There is no time limit on grief.

We are always available to support you here. Take care. xx


I lost my mother in law to covid in March and I found therapy through writing poetry

When I feel so lost
What do I have to do rise above
It’s like finding a four leaf clover
With the luck that that can bring
All I want to do is dance and sing