Feeling on edge

Does anyone else feel on edge most of the time? Any solutions?
Thanks xx

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Yes, I suffer a lot with anxiety. Looking out at the sky and slow breathing sometimes helps.

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Hi Victoria 22
I suffer with anxiety and stress and my migraines have got much worse since my husband passed ,
Take care

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I get headaches too and have trouble sleeping. I hate feeling like this, I wish we didn’t have to go through this. I’m sure the people at work are going to run out of patience with me soon, it’s been just over 6 weeks. Big hug. x


My Doctor has given me Amitripyline, to help with my migraines and to sleep ,
Because i wasnt sleeping my migraines were getting worse and i was having to go and lay down ,
Take care Big hugs ,
Not a journey we all want to be on .x


Yes I feel on edge all the time. Have been sice mum got admitted to hospital on 20 December. I couldn’t eat or sleep. I kept looking at my phone all the time in case hospital rang. Now that she died I’m anxious about everything. Can’t face going back to work, will be asking my gp for more time off. I work in a hospital so not great, isn’t it? I’m sick of hospitals. How can I help other people when I couldn’t help my own mum… I don’t know how to carry on

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I work for the ambulance service but just in the office so I don’t see patients, just paramedics. My line manager has been really understanding and is referring me to our workplace wellbeing hub, hopefully they may have some suggestions for me. Do they have anything similar where you work? Sending a hug xx

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Hi Susie3021,
I was interested to read in your post that you also suffer with migraines and It is the first time I’ve read that someone else on this site gets them. They have been the bain of my life since 13 years of age. Mine have got worse as well since my husband Pete died and one of the main reasons is of course stress. I’m also on Amitripyline and although it doesn’t stop them completely I can sleep at nightime.
Iv’e read that there is a tens machine that you can put on the forehead once the migraine starts but it is’t like the normal tens machine for the rest of the body, It has a hefty price tag but i would be interested if any one on the site has one or has heard ot it…It called the’ Cefaly ’ My heart felt thoughts to you and any other sufferers on the site as only if you have had them can you know how awful they are. Any other suggestions from you good folk would be very welcome. love Jenny .

Hi Jenny ,
So very sorry you are suffering from Migraines too,i have every sympathy with you
My doctor did give me Propranol to try but it made me feel ill and i had to go to bed ,
Sometimes i just suffer with nausea,and no headache,

The best tablet i had was Sumatriptan which the Doctor prescribed,
It does take the migraine away but you can only take them when you have a migraine
Attack,but my doctor is trying to get me off them and prevent the migraines
I was reading that taking Magnesium tablets help ,which i am starting to do,
I did borrow a tens machine off my surgery once for neck pain ,it didnt help much,
I have only been on Amtripline for 3 weeks,
I am sleeping better as i wasnt sleeping and awake most of the night

So very sorry for your loss not a journey we want to be on ,
Some days it feels like a bad nightmare .Hope your migraines get better ,
Take care ,

Hi Sussie and thank you for repyling to me. I don’t get the nausea but I do get the zig zag aura lights which start and then my heart flips as I know what’s coming but I don’t have the pain as I used to when I was younger. Have yours been a long standing ailment? I had the Sumatriptan when I was working and it was a nose spray and worked very quickly but was taken off me when I reached retirement age…The Magnesium tablets are certainly worth a try. Glad that the Amitripylineis helping you sleep better as when you’re tossing and turning half the night it’s not much help!!!
I too am sorry for your loss and know what a nightmare it can be. If I get one of the migraine tens machine and it helps I will let you know. It’s incredible how many people in the world have them and there is no permanent solution. Love Jenny x

Kingfisher ,
I did suffer with migraines in my teens ,but they went away i started again with them
About six years ago ,and they have got worse after my husband passed,
I do try to go out for a walk , must admit since ive been on Amitripyline they have not
Been as bad ,
I do like cheese and chocolate,which are triggers for migraines,
Hope the Tens machine helps
Take Care
Love Susie x

Does this on edge feeling ever go away? I feel churned up inside and nervous like you do when you sit an important exam or have a job interview all the time and it won’t go away. Doesn’t help that I still have insomnia. xx

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Depressed shoppaholics shouldn’t be allowed to buy things online or should hide their credit card. Bought several tops to cheer myself up :face_with_hand_over_mouth: can’t really afford it after the huge vet’s fees I had to pay recently.