Feeling really lost

I’m feeling really lost at the moment.I feel like I’ve been in this bubble since my mother died and now the bubble has burst and it’s sinking in that my mother is gone.Which feels silly.

I feel more scared in the world she was like my protector the one person who would stand up for me.All I want is for her to walk through the door and tell me everything will be ok.

I don’t have support from my father because hes grieving my mother and now losing his father.He can’t offer me any emotional support.Im really lonely right now.

Also everytime my son asks me how his nan is my heart breaks.Ive tried to explain to him that his nan has died but he’s not understanding that means she’s not coming back even though i have told him she isnt.Ive tried to put it the kindest way i can but hes not taking it in.I think it will take him time to understand.He just thinks she’s unwell.Which is what I told him before when my mother was in hospital.

I feel exactly the same. Mum died 8 months ago. I’ve been so busy with the kids off and was going to her house for time out as she felt close there. Now the kids are back and her house is sold, the weight of realisation that she is gone, she always will be and she’s never coming back has hit and it’s knocked me sideways
There’s just no replacement for a Mum, their love is unconditional and sometimes so subtle but always there.
I wish I could say something to ease your hurt. I’ve tried to start thinking what my Mum would say to me and taking her kindness on board - maybe that might help you a little too.
Lots of love x

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Aww I’m so sorry to hear about your loss and how you’re feeling. My Dad died in May and because I sorted everything out I was running on adrenaline for a while and it took a while for it to ‘hit’ me. When things slowed down, it definitely did hit me - the loss of losing dad - and I felt horrific for about a week. Genuinely like I was having a nervous breakdown or something :’) The feeling did pass though. I have my good days and bad days now. Some days I don’t even feel like I’m grieving but the last few days have been tough again. It ebs and flows. When you’re feeling terrible, remember things will pick up, and when you’re feeling OK, latch the hell onto it and enjoy it haha! Once again I’m so sorry for your loss and it breaks my heart to hear about your son </3

Thank you for everyone’s support.It makes it a little easier knowing that I’m not the only one feeling this way.I think of what my mother would want for me and I know she would want me to be happy and try to carry on with my life the best way I can.

Hi everyone ,

I lost my Mam on 8/02/21 she went in to hospital with pain in her shoulders and never came out. He had silent heart attacks. Me and my mother were best friends. She was my rock and did anything and everything for me, I could call her and she would always be there no matter what.
My brother and father are also struggling with this masssssssive loss!!
My mother was only 65 , she looked about 45. Beautiful inside and out.

I am in so so much pain and don’t know how the heck things are going to get better?

Mothers are everything no matter what age you are or they are when they die. I keep telling myself that this is part of life and unfortunately we all have to go through this at some point but to be honest I was expecting at least another 20 years!

I am struggling to look at photos / videos atm as it makes me miss her loads loads more!!

All I can say to the above is try and stay strong and remember that if your mum could see you mourning and sad she would probably say something like “ come on now pull your self together and you can do this without me” people have told me this but this is what my mum would say. I reply to this when I hear it in my head and think mammy, it’s just your love and the way you were to me makes me hurt loads.

Unfortunately we do all have to go through this, people do not understand the pain until they experience it themselves.

Mammy you are my hero and I love you so so so so so so much!!! xxxxxxxxx