Feeling rubbish

So for the past 2 days I have really struggled with my anxiety. Not sure why it has shown it’s ugly head. whether it’s to do with the paperwork for the estate or just generally filling rubbish and let down by so called friends :cry:


Hi Bec49 . i know what anxiety is like i have it . could you try and have rest times in your day??? do a bit of work rest then do a bit more then rest keep putting in decent size rest periods ??? i know that helps me a bit . try a break from work /house go for a walk away from paperwork . Are there any neighbours to talk to ???
keep posting


Hi Bec49
have you tried the NHS website and look under anxiety its called 'every mind matters ’ i have had a quick look It looks ok some interesting things on it Perhaps this might help
Keep doing 'the positives ’ as i call them =memory book ,times of rest and reflection . If you need a person to talk to try British Red Cross phone line free phone 08081963651
keep posting

Hi bec. I had alot of this after my daughter s funeral so called friends who promised to be there for you but when you need to pour your heart out the excuses come or they tell you their problems and don’t ask you how you are feeling I hope you come in here luv you can pour your heart out anytime o f day and no one will ever judge you they are lovely and will support you say or night I come on here at all times if day or night someone will always message you back take care shellyanne XX :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Good morning,
Sorry it’s taken me a while . Been trying to sort mum and dads house out .
I lost my dad December 2019 he went out in the countryside and never came home he had a heart attack. In Lincolnshire, I live in Northamptonshire and it wasn’t easy trying to get him back home .
We then went away for dads anniversary with mum at Christmas to Norfolk and she had a bleed to the brain and never came home . Again trying to get her home wasn’t easy .
I am an only child . So I have to sort it all out .
Family and friends seem to be there in the first few weeks . Once the funeral been and gone they gradually don’t bother with how you are doing . A lot of my friends haven’t lost either parent , so they have no idea on it ,or losing both in such a short space of time .
Thank you for your kind words
Best wishes
Bec x

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Hello Chiara
Thank you . I will have a little look .
Sorry it’s taken me a while to reply but I got there in the end .
How are you doing ?
Best wishes
Bec x