Feeling so lonely

I lost my mom to cancer on the 6th of March she was only 69, she was my best friend and even though my husband is amazing and I have my beautiful daughter I still feel so lonely without her

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I understand how you feel. I don’t have the husband (left 2 years ago) but I have 2 girls but feel like I have no one anymore since my mum went. You’re not alone. You’re here. With all of us. You’ll never be alone while you’ve got us xx

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Hello, yes nicnic, is right we are all here for you. When we loss that special person we do feel very alone even when we are lucky to have others around us and mums are very special. She was so young but I am afraid cancer knows no bounds, it’s horrible. Just take little steps and be kind to yourself don’t rush and you will get through this lonely time. We are all here for you. S xx

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Thank you for your replies x
Feels so good to be able to chat with people that truly understand, it’s my moms funeral is on Monday and I’m absolutely dreading it, feeling that overwhelming pain that just grips you.
I still feel very alone in my grief, within my family and friends because people think they understand and can imagine how I’m feeling but the truth is they couldn’t contemplate the loss and pain unless you’ve lived through it, my mom was my best friend and we talked most days, it’s stupid but I still send her txt messages and the thought I will never see her again is still so overwhelming

I will be thinking of you on Monday and sending you blessings. S xx