Feeling so lost.

My mum sadly passed 3 weeks ago. Im struggling with the pain of losing her and miss her so much. I suffer from depression and the cocktail of grief and depression is unbearable.


Hello shelle, I’m sorry for the loss of your mum. There’s a saying, the deeper the love, the deeper your grief. I believe grieving is the final responsibility we must endure for our lost loved ones. In time you’ll grow stronger to live along with the grief, as it will not relent, and be able to navigate yourself through a new world without our mums to pick us up when we fall. I hope you can find some peace of mind sharing on this site with many other grievers like myself. My mum left last October and I still have iron in my heart. My heart goes out to you.


Hello and welcome im so sorry for the loss of your mum .People on here are so supportive i lost my dad last February and i have felt so much better from talking to people on here it really helps .Keep sharing do you have family you can talk to ? Was your mums passing expected or was it sudden? Were here to listen and support you xx

@Shelle I’m so so sorry for your loss. My mum passed away 9 weeks ago after a short illness. Nothing prepares you for this. I have no real wisdom to offer. Find some pleasure in small things.

My dear dad passed away this Friday. My life is shattered all over again and I don’t know how I will survive this double grief.

Take it a day at a time is the most I can offer. Be kind to yourself. Sending love and virtual hugs. X

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Wow im so sorry to hear this Rob as you say you have to take each day as it comes sending love and hugs and hopefully you have a great support network around you

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