Feeling so low

Feeling very sad today have cried so much. 3 months since my mum passed and 2 months since my dad passed. I haven’t had the chance to stop and have time to myself as I’ve had so much to sort out as my little sister can’t carry on living in our family home and she had been there for our parents through it all so she’s devastated and now this is such a worry i feel stressed all the time she has no one but me so im trying my best to be strong for her. Everything has just happened all at once and can’t see the end of all this heart ache.


I’m so sorry for the loss of both of your parents. It must be so hard for you and your sister at the moment.
Please Remember to look after yourself - eat well and rest when you can
Just take one day at a time - that’s all you need to focus on at the moment.
Sending you some strength and love xx


Thankyou. Thats all everyone is saying just one day at a time and that’s what im trying to do. Thats all i can do just wish i hadn’t got all the other worries on top of me trying to grieve. I can’t seem to catch a break if its not one thing its another worry. Thankyou for your kind words

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