Feeling so much guilt

My daughter died 2 weeks ago. She was 18yr old to had been chronically ill for years but i never expected this. I feel so much guilt that i didnt realise how unwell she was. It was my job to keep her safe and i failed.


I’m so sorry for your loss, but it wasnt your fault. You did what you could do as a parent, you cant stop or control an illness. You are bound to feel an overwhelming sense of lose, the grieving process will have started. I hope you have someone around you to talk to, if you dont, this group is a massive help.

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So sorry for the loss of your daughter :two_hearts:

Please try and be kind to yourself, I am sure you loved and protected her as much as humanly possible. Your daughter would want to thank you for always being there for her and wouldn’t want to see you so distraught.

Hope that you had friends and family to support you through this unsettling time

Sending you love and hugs :hugs:


Hi , so sorry for your loss , I think guilt is one of many feelings we have when we lose a child , I am the same , although my son was ill, I don’t realise how ill he was as he never complained, and was such a warrior and just got on with it , I had been impatient at times with him and a bit snappy then I lost him suddenly , so I have tremendous guilt , it’s horrible it breaks my heart so much how I wish I could turn to clock back and not be like that , I live with chronic pain and it was taking its toll , caring for him the home , dogs and I was exhausted, but I feel if I say this I’m just making excuses, when there is no excuse , he needed me and my support , I let him down , it hurts so much the amount of guilt I have , I try to think of it like how strong our children were even when so poorly , we didn’t know , I know for a fact my son was protecting me , as he knew what a mess I was , maybe your daughter did the same for her own reasons , so you couldn’t have known :heart:


Thank you for your reply.

Im sorry youre in a similar position. I too was impatient and snappy at times. So frustrated too but it was such a difficult situation.

I go from feeling crippled by guilt to blaming the system which ultimately let my daughter and me as her carer down.
Its so hard though


Hi Roundabout , sorry I’ve not been around , I haven’t been well , yes the guilt is destroying me , especially as I think he couldn’t talk to me because I would just go to pieces if he spoke about him dying… I was so focused on him living I missed the fact he was deteriorating, I spent time hiding crying when I should
Have been with him being brave and listening to anything he needed to tell me … I hope you are doing as ok as can be , we are only human and not perfect , our kids knew they were loved so much by us ! That’s what counts