feeling so sad all the time

Feeling so sad and crying all the time since losing my husband very suddenly in September.
looking for any help or suggestions to help me.

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We feel your pain. So many of us cry all the time. My husband died very quickly after diagnosis in September and there hasn’t been a day when I haven’t cried. And I don’t think there will be one for a long time. It’s so tough even with the support of friends and family. This forum is a good place to start though, as we know how you feel.

Sending you a hug

@Mackay13 sorry for your loss. Do whatever you need to do to get through the days. Lean on people close to you and take all the help you can. Before you know it it will be months and not weeks. It’s been 7 months for me and it does improve. The grief is less all consuming and comes in smaller waves. But it’s a terrible journey we are all on. There is no shame in crying, I still do most days. This forum has been a huge help. Keep chatting on here as people really do understand. Take care.


Thank you.
im.so sorry for your loss too.
im heartbroken it was so very sudden
so lost without him :cry:
I hope i can get some comfort from others thst are going through this awful time too.
Sending a big hug back
Take care x


So sorry for your loss. I feel your pain too as I also loss my dearest husband so unexpectedly over 6 months ago. He was my soulmate :broken_heart:
I was numbed at first but after all the rushing around arranging the funeral was over - the sadness and tears began to take over! My GP referred me to counselling sessions which help enormously!
I am also very grateful to have supportive family, friends and even my work colleagues around me - without them I don’t know how I could’ve coped so far!
I hope that you have people around you that you can talk to whenever you need to - I personally find talking about him helps so much, especially with people who knew him well. I talk to his best friend very regularly and find that he needs to talk about my husband probably almost as much as I do!
Please try to take one day at a time and just go with the flow and let all the feelings out - don’t try to suppress them - that’s how I have been telling myself everyday and, for me, it does help!
Take care xx

Thank you so much for sharing your feelings and emotions with me as this is exactly how I am feeling.
Im so sorry for your loss too.
its truly heartbreaking losing your husband as you will understand.
I do talk to him all the time and visit the cemetery every day.
im absolutely lost without him :broken_heart:
I live on my own, we have 2 daughters who i speak to every day.
I am dreading the day I have to go back to work and see colleagues :sleepy:
I just feel better at home as i feel him around me.
Hope you are managing a bit better and coping.
sending much love :heart:

Not at all, we are all here to share, to listen and to help one another as we’re going through exactly the same thing right now.
I get some comfort sharing and reading all your messages and feel your pain
each day.
6 months in, I am still in shock and totally lost without him :broken_heart:my beloved angel​:heart:
I feel ever so lonely every day, and like you, I talk to him all the time morning noon and night.
I too live alone and find loneliness so difficult to bear. I talk to my daughter and my best friend daily - sadly to say I sit by the phone every evening waiting for it to ring so that I can talk about him!
I hope you will find some comfort from your work colleagues once you feel you are ready to face going back to work.
I pray everyday that it’ll get better someday for all of us and that we can all live with just beautiful memories but without the pain!
Much love & hugs xx


Thank you so much for your comforting words that means a lot :heart:
I just want the pain to stop as i know you will too.
I love talking about him to my dear friend who lost her husband only 6 months ago we talk about about them every time we are on the phone or meet for a coffee.
I am completely dreading going ba k to work and definitely Christmas coming up, sad but i hate starting to see advers and hearing Christmas songs
will be my first Christmas without him in over 30 years.
my husband was only 57 :cry: the loneliness is awful especially at weekends and in the evenings when he was always here.
thank you for sharing your journey with me, i hope we can all get some comfort soon
sending much love :heart: xxx

Glad I have been able to help and thank you to you too for sharing with us. Please remember you are not alone, we are always here to listen, to share and to help however we can.
My angel was only 61 - we always thought we would be together and travelling to places, even if with our walking sticks, into our 80s - sadly it’s not to be :broken_heart:. Now it pains me every time I think about weekend breaks or summer/winter holidays!
Xmas is approaching and spending it alone is not something that we ever wish to do, but for me, somehow from this year on it is the reality I am having to face and I am dreading it. Loneliness is so horrible & overwhelming and right now nothing I can do to make it disappear. ‘Taking one day at a time’ is what I am telling myself everyday :crossed_fingers:
Take good care and I hope & pray it will get better for all of us someday.
Much love & hugs xxx

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Hi @Angel1309 @Jan17
Yes another weekend goes by.
I has been 22 weekends on my own since he passed suddenly and expected only 63.
I too dont look forward to the Christmas period alone. Last year we were on holiday in Australia so different from me spending alone.
We used to go holidays for my birthday and our anniversary which i did alone for the first time. Now nothing to look forward to anymore. I hate the quiet nights spent alone eating for one shared conversation.
Will it get easier i dont know cant plan ahead anymore.
Hope everyone who is going through this pain lots of hugs. I can only believe things can only get better.
Take care
Lynne x


Hi Lynne, I hear you I feel your pain! So sorry that we all have had to go through this unbearable sadness.
I hate the feeling of loneliness - it’s indescribably horrible! I have lost all my hopes and dreams since my angel has gone. No joy in eating- only eat to survive, no hope and purpose- only exist day by day. I feel terribly lonely every day - weekends are worse from the moment I wake up through to the time I struggle to fall asleep at night.
We had planned our summer holiday but I ended up going alone spending the whole week glancing at the deckchair next to me wishing I would see him sitting there beside me :broken_heart:. His birthday followed a couple of weeks later, I was beside myself as we used to spend the weekend away to celebrate our birthdays each year!
Sad Xmas & lonely New Year are only a few weeks away :weary: I will probably cry myself to sleep every night.
I will however keep on hoping & praying that it will get better someday for all of us - it’s got to, eventually :pray::pray::pray:
Much love & hugs xx


@Galaxy75 today was the worst day I’ve had in ages. Got up this morning to no heating or hot water and it’s freezing here! Of course being a Sunday couldn’t get anyone to come out to look at it. Had a total meltdown. I’ve had quite a few things challenge me lately, but this was the straw that broke the camels back. I feel like I’ve gone back 6 months. Ended up spending the day with my daughter & family but could not control the tears all day. Hope you managed to have an ok day. Here’s hoping the week improves for all of us on this shitty journey. X

Here’s hoping the week ahead is better for us all.
Hate weekends they are always long and now dark and cold too.
Next week have dentist and maybe go some messages as no food in and guess i should still eat even although eating for one is unappealing.
Hope the weather improves for tomorrow tonight it is raining heavily.
Take care Lynne x

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