Feeling spooked

My daughter died 17th December suddenly at home. She was 33 and had been seriously ill with Guillain Barre Syndrome 2 years previous, she was in pain a lot and on really heavy medication. I found her dead in bed that morning. It was such a shock as she was doing better and had lost a bit of weight which added to her health problems.
I just can’t think about anything else and keep going over events and wishing I had done more.
I went to see her in chapel of rest and was alarmed as she had deteriorated beyond recognition and i keep getting spooked. Lights keep flickering and this house is noisy. I am staying with my other daughter as i could not spend another night in our flat which we had only been in a month. I have another house to move into in 2 weeks time and I am dreading it because i feel spooked all the time. I am worried that she is trying to let me know she is around me. Its crazy, i am scared to be alone, to go upstairs, to use shower. Its not so bad during the day, its at night. I miss her so much and she was the loveliest girl so i know she wouldn’t want to scare me but i cant switch off. I bought sleeping tablets from pharmacy but the side affects were bad so am now waiting for natural ones i ordered online. Has anyone else had this and how long did it go on for? I feel like there is nothing to look forward to and worry that i might die soon. This is a never ending nightmare on top of being so sad.


Thank you Sheila for taking the time to write. Yes, I understand what you are saying. I think I just need to calm down a bit, I too have had happenings through life and my daughter knew this, I think maybe shes trying to give me confirmation but it scares me. Thank you x

Hi Ronyag
So sorry for your loss but please don’t be afraid. I agree wholeheartedly with Sheila and please think of it as a wonderful experience and that your daughter is near.
I have also experienced many happenings from my husband and was thrilled and delighted every time and never once did I feel afraid, I felt blessed that he was still with me. The first year was full of his visitations and now it is just occasionally but I thank him for thinking of me. I chat to him. Go to your new home and welcome your daughter. You are very lucky she is making some connection please don’t push her away.
Good luck


Thank you x

I have had a feeling of my face and hair being touched like walking through a cobweb, lights that i turned off have flashed and i keep thinking i hear her voice. I put 3 roses in with her and asked for confirmation that she was at her funeral by showing me 3 roses, my daughter in law showed up with a rose for me, my other daughter and my son to place on coffin. I do believe she is in a better place. My new sleeping pills turned up today so I am hoping to be too tired to be scared. Thank you x

Please think of yourself as very lucky to be having this connection with your daughter. There is nothing spooky about it and no reason to be scared. There are members on this forum that would love to have the connection with their loved ones that you are lucky enough to be having. Welcome her and have a chat. I am always chatting to my husband when he’s nearby.
I would love to see a medium but unfortunately there isn’t one in my area.

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Thank you, I will. Feeling a bit better because of the replies I have had.

Hello. What a lovely story, made me get goosebumps. Yes, I have no doubt that I will see my precious Charlene again but I know I have to live out my life here and will try to do something woth it that she would be proud of. God bless you xx

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Since my soulmate died 14 weeks ago, I have been wishing something would happen to give me a sign that there is an afterlife.
But unfortunately nothing has happened which makes me even more sure that what I believe is true.
Neither me or my soulmate believed in God and I think it must be a great help to feel they are somehow looking out for you.
I just feel he has been very cruelly and suddenly taken away from me and that’s the end.
If something did happen I would not be spooked, I think it would make me feel better, my soulmate and I had many conversations about this and had told each other that if there was anyway of sending a sign that we would want to reassure whoever was left behind.
It breaks my heart to think he is just gone and that’s the end and I know it would be easier to pretend I think he’s in heaven but I just think life is very cruel.

Hello Muldool, thanks for your reply. I am sorry for your loss and hope you do receive some confirmation that he is in a better place. Maybe some people are just more open to signs I do not know. Have you ever read books on the afterlife? I have always believed as I have had a lot of happenings in my life but I still feel nervous and I dont know why as my daughter was a gentle soul so I know she would not wish me any harm. I do have a lot to be thankful for as we were together the 3 months before she died and it could of been so different as she was living with her abusive boyfriend before, I look to a lot of things now as little gifts. I just struggle with the nights and not sleeping does not help.
Wishing you well .

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