Feeling unloved by dying husband

Hi everyone,
My husband of 35 years is dying and it breaks my heart that whilst I’m giving him words and actions reflecting how much I love him, I’m getting very little back. I’ve also been his carer for decades, but he hasn’t said anything nice that I can remember him by, and it hurts so much. I now feel as though I’ve sacrificed a lot to look after him all these years, but he can’t even tell me how much he appreciates or loves me. I told him my heart is breaking and I love him so much, but he only says he loves me if I say it first. My feelings are becoming very mixed now, and when I visited today all he did was complain about everything. A few days ago he was put " on the blue book" end of life care, and he was sedated a lot, but now they say he hasn’t died as soon as expected, he’s been taken off end of life and on palliative care for now. He wasn’t aware he was dying before, but now he does, and he’s full of anger, and I told him he can spend the time he has left at home, with support of course. I’m now dreading it to be honest, but I will do it for him, because I want what’s best for him.


Sorry to hear that, maybe your hubby is some kind of shock that his dying, and because of that he can’t give you what you want and need now, he feels cheated, that he won’t spend the rest of his life with you now.

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Hi, what a sad and hard place you find yourselves. When my husband was fading I was able to tell him I loved and would miss him so much and I’m so glad I had that opportunity a lot of people on here say similar things. I think you have to make sure you do what feels right for you and what you won’t regret later. You don’t have a second chance to say the things you want to say. I don’t know your husband but he is possibly overwhelmed and doesn’t understand what’s happening, and can’t voice his love easily. I really feel for you, lots of love x


Gosh so hard for you both. But at least you are spending time together. He’s probably scared


He will be angry because he is going and probably doesn’t want to ! It wont be you - hes just mad at the situation. Honestly dont take it to heart. If he says he loves you he does. Hes poorly … my husband got grumpy too :frowning: xxx

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