Feeling very alone

I lost my wife and best friend after 20 years (Aug 22) of marriage. She was diagnosed with Cancer on 24 Jan and passed away at home on 15 February. I should add I have a 24 year old son who lives with me.
My Son, his partner, family, friends and work have been so supportive but I just can’t get over the loneliness that I am feeling particularly in the evenings.
We did everything together and have some amazing memories to cherish, but it’s so hard. I should add that I also lost one of my dogs on a Easter Monday, who was also a huge part of my life and although I have another one who is 6, it has left a huge whole. She was the daughter we couldn’t have. I assume others have been there ?


Hi so sorry for your loss . My hubby died ten months ago with cancer . Such an awful disease wrecking lives and leaving devastation . I have found it helps reading and posting on this site . The people know what you have gone through and how your feeling and are kind and there for support . Xtake carex

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Thanks, and I am sorry for your loss too. I have only just found this site and I am still waiting for my bereavement counselling to start, they have a backlog, but I hope this will help. My wife was only 50 and we had so many plans and things we wanted to do. The thought of holidays alone, Christmas etc makes me so sad,


Hi . my hubby was 59 we had been together from us both being 16, married for 39 years . Your wife was so young it is heartbreaking . I am sorry to say it seems to get harder ( for me ) every day . As I still love and miss my hubby more and more each day . But all I do is take one day at a time , and try not to look to far into the future . I also have a son that lives with me . As well as his girlfriend . And his 16 year old daughter. So I am not alone but find it is still lonely without my best friend and hubby . I have found posting on here has helped me a lot . And reading other people’s posts . It helps me to realise the feelings I have are normal . Xtake carex

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I have just finished my bereavement counselling and found it very helpful . The pain is still there but I feel I can cope with it better. The loneliness is hard to deal with too but if I am busy its better