Struggling with the loss of my mum . Lost her back in January after a week of her ill .
Lost my dad 2 years ago roughly same time as mum .
It would have been their wedding anniversary on the 4th July 52 years .
Got all the legal stuff going through so i have got all the stress of that .
Feeling very tearful for the last couple of days and can’t seem to pick myself up . Any advice and support friends seem to think I’m ok ,but as you all know good days and bad days . Most of my friends haven’t lost one of the parents let alone both so they have no idea how I’m feeling
Am sending you a virtual hug.
I can’t imagine how you feeling after losing your mum, I lost my partner back in Feb and struggling too.
Reach out for help where you can and take it. I didn’t at the beginning now I have, which may help you too. I tried keeping busy with my little girl to try take my kind off things too. As we are still awaiting coronor and police reports it’s stressful.
Please don’t feel like your alone use this platform.
Take care Claire xxx
Hi Claire .
Good and bad days . I have lost both my parents my dad died end of December 2019 . My mum died in January 2022 she was taken into hospital for dads second anniversaries when she had a bleed on the brain. I thought I can’t cope with going through this again , we were away for Christmas so had to leave her in Norfolk and due to covid we weren’t allowed to see her . just about got my head around losing my dad and now trying to come to terms with this
How are you coping ?
Bec x
Hi I lost the only friend I had in March 2020. Which happened without warning. Then mum passed in Novembr 2019 suddenly, I’m not surprised your not coping. Having two within such a short period of time isn’t nice at all.
You have lost the two most important people in your life it’s a big thing, It might be worth considering some counselling they have it here and Cruse do it also,
You can just pickup the phone and talk to them. Or apply for 8 weeks of it there is a waiting list. But it can’t hurt apply when you feel ready, Much love to you
Good and bad days.
We are still waiting on answers from coronors,police and hospital so it takes it toll.
An my little one graduated from nursery last week which was hard as her daddy couldn’t be there.
Am off for my councilling this morning too hoping can get a lot of my stress out.
How are you
Claire xxx
Hi there, I lost my Dad 10 years ago and then my Mum 2 weeks ago and I am struggling to get my head around the fact that they have both gone. I have come to terms with Dad and am trying to be brave as Mum was so brave when Dad died, but hell its difficult. I dont even think I believe that Mum has gone, how long does it take for the denial to end.
I haven’t got a huge amount of wisdom or help to give as I am so new to the grief myself, but I just wanted to reach out and let you know you are not alone.
Finally had a response from Lincolnshire police , They have admitting they messed up and never reported my dad had died . It’s only taken nearly 3 years. I knew they hadnt done their job properly as I couldn’t get a death certificate to bring my dad back from Lincolnshire to Northamptonshire.
In a stressful situation which was made even more .
I know a letter of apology won’t bring my dad back , but at least no one else has to go through the way our family was dealt with .