Feels like its getting more difficult @

Its nearly 11 weeks since my Gorgeous man left …i cant stop crying…i am trying to fill my days …but coming back to the house i just dissolve. I feel so lost so empty…I was fine in the house I felt safe until i pushed myself to go out…shopping…maybe meet a friend…yes the only one that had stood by my side…!..which also really upsets me…people i thought were lifelong friends where are they ? .I put 1 foot in front of the other…i come home and with the turn of the key my heart breaks all over again…my soul is destroyed…Im so confused…I feel robbed…I wish everything was different but i know it cant be…x


You could be writing my story…
All you can do for now is put one foot in front of the other.
That’s how we manage, how we cope…
Take care of yourself, look after your needs, be kind to yourself.
Just want you to know you’re not alone with these thoughts.


I am coming up to 15 weeks that my husband was suddenly taken from me, I am back in work, I meet friends , I go swimming , but I get into that bed alone, I try to sleep alone , I wake up alone , don’t think I will ever get use to that x


I lost my gorgeous husband rob 12 week ago suddenly still don’t know what took him still waiting on coroner
Each day is the same get up go to work come home go to bed wishing he was here with me
I miss him so so so much I can’t believe he is not with us anymore
He was fine showed no sign of illness he went to sleep on sofa and didn’t wake up
My heart is totally broken our son has just welcomed his son into the world 3 week ago he is so precious but it breaks my heart rob will not ever be here to do anything with him and see him grow up
Life as a nasty way of knocking u on your ass wen u don’t expect it
Hugs and love to you all I wish I could take all your heartbreak away as well as my own but I can’t xxxxx

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That is really tough, having to wait for the Coroner’s report for so long.
The grief is bad enough without that.
My husband also fell asleep in bed and never woke up. That was 12 weeks ago. He was in a coma for three weeks and died 9 weeks ago.
It is a horrible experience that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
Hugs xx

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Im so sorry I didnt reply as I got locked out my account as I changed phones…I hope you are all doing better than me…I hope the coroners report has come back Smithsj …we had a new baby arrive begore my husbsnd passed…he did meet him.but I could see in my husband’s eyes the sadness…he adored his grandkids and was much better with them than I. Today our 2 grandsons went back to school…and our profoundly disabled Grandaughter started P1…its been a bad day for me…he would have been all over it…People assume that after 13 weeks …oh shes ok…I know they dont get this internal lonliness why should they. ?..as I try to go shopping etc…I cant believe how bad the pain gets…I can only hope that after a day of total exhausting emotional turmoil after seeing all grandkids to school that tomorrow is better day…thank you again for listening and sorry for late reply x