Feels like too much loss

I had to put my beautiful old dog to sleep last week after she suffered a stroke & it’s tipped me over into not doing ok when I thought I was.
2020 started with me, my husband & our 2 dogs in our house, supporting my sister through her cancer treatment which we thought she had been successful with.
In January 20, 1 of our darling dogs had to be put to sleep, which was painful enough. In August we found out that my sister’s cancer was back & it was terminal. On 3rd November my husband was with me visiting my sister, & while driving home he suddenly had a heart attack in the passenger seat of my car & couldn’t be brought back. On Jan 12th this year my sister died in a hospice of covid that she caught while receiving palliative end of life care.
And now my last remaining dog has passed. So much loss in such a short space of time & people just don’t know what to say to me…I say I’m taking it 1 day at a time, I have good friends & family but my home is silent, everyone gone & I don’t know how to go on


Dear Tinalou1

I so wish there were words for your losses. So much loss over a short period.

I lost my husband suddenly in September 2020. Two years previous had lost my little dog suddenly who was also an important part of our family.

At my worst times I just take it hour by hour and when even that is too much I call one of my friends for support.

I just wanted you to know that there are so many people on this site who will listen and give support.

Take care
Sheila xxx