Felling lost after losing my love.

I lost the love of my life a few weeks ago. He had both dementia and Parkinson’s but his heart gave way. We had been together for over 32 years and were both partners and best friends. I never expected to meet somebody like John and could not believe my luck when he wanted to spend his time with me. He was older than me so, I sort of guessed that he would die first. But, it was so sudden. I am now living in an empty flat and am facing Christmas on my own fo the first time ever. I have no control over when I start sobbing and no idea how I am going to cope without him. I keep thinking that I will wake up and he will be there.


A few weeks is such early days for you Keith. Your loss will still be so very raw and Christmas most certainly does not help. I think all of us who have lost someone this year could do without that.
It is completely normal to keep on thinking John will be there, losing a beloved partner takes such a very long time to sink in (if ever).
If it helps you at all, please know we feel your pain and totally understand your grief and heartache. I lost my darling husband 10 months ago, he was my best friend too. Losing someone so dear is like losing half of yourself.
Some days I feel that it is even more than that.
Please try & look after yourself & keep posting, I’ve found that helps a lot
Take care, Janey xx


Hello Keithnben.
I am really sorry about what has happened to you both.
5 years ago I lost my Husband to Heart Failure. He was 20years older than me so I too at the back of mind thought it was likely that would happen to me but like you, if you have found someone so unique then that thought fades into the background a bit. To be blessed with a love you never expected to find is a true gift isn’t it. Just over a week ago I lost my Mum too, she had Alzheimer’s. I can imagine you are feeling somewhat emotionally drained and shell-shocked on top of the grief as well. This site became my 2nd home when I lost my Husband, and in my present loss. People will understand and you can say anything that’s on your mind. There will always be someone to listen. Sending empathy and compassionate thoughts.


@Keithnben hello Keith I am so very sorry for your loss and that you are going through this heartbreak. I lost my soulmate pauline 8months ago. I was her first and only girlfriend and she was also my best friend. We had 20 years and 8months together and I’m so lost withouther. All I can say is I understand your pain and just take one day at a time. Pauline was 2 years younger than me so I thought I would go first, but going through this being the one left behind, I wouldn’t want her to go through that. Keep posting on here you will find support and everyone here understands and are all very caring. I tell myself I was blessed to have found my soulmate and to have been loved by such a wonderful beautiful woman. I’m often around if you want to chat. Take care sending hugs x


My husband was 14 years older than me. I lost him ten months ago. It’s so hard life has just changed in seconds. Everything seems so scary without him. X