Final Days

My husband was 5 days short of his 90th birthday when he died 3 weeks ago
He had Alzheimers for several years but the last 2 months of his life saw a rapid decline after a fall which caused a minor brain bleed
He was in and out of hospital and it was obvious to me that he was at the end of life
The OT and physios kept pestering to get him mobile and he was discharged with a ‘ package of care ‘
He passed away 10 days later with aspiration pneumonia, thankfully at home
Because he had not been put on an ‘end of life ‘ pathway and the GP hadn’t seen him in person for years, a nightmare scenario happened
The death was referred to the Coroner, the Gp is part time so that caused delays several times and Ive only just been able to get a death certificate.
So far the Co Op funeral care have not been great , Local branch have part time staff who have been difficult to contact and today I read the riot act and they got central office to sort things out
To top it all the Registrar forgot to send the e mail with the code to lat government agencies know and when I went in this afternoon a sour faced woman insisted I must have been given it and lost it.
Once the funeral is over then a new phase will begin of no longer being a carer and being described as a ‘ widow’
I am 76


Oh @Jennypin

I am so sorry for your loss. And all the trouble you’re having with people who should know better.
I was lucky, we used a small local, family run Undertakers and they were brilliant. I’m so sorry you’re having so much trouble with the Co-op
The way we are treated after the death of our loved ones borders on neglectful
I keep getting texts for my husband from the eye hospital, even after phoning and being assured it wouldn’t happen again, then another came and I sent an email, I received another apology and assurance, and then this morning I received another!
I hope that everything gets sorted out for you soon.
I know you’re grieving and you don’t need extra pressure at the moment, but please know that on here we all understand and will be here for you.
We are all going through it so we really support each other

Sending you love and hugs x

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So sorry for
Your loss you had all that difficult things happening to you

@Jennypin I’m not at all surprised by your treatment by the co-op. When I lost my husband last year I phoned the co-op as I had used them many years ago when my mother died. They were awful, all they were interested in was money. Needless to say I didn’t use them, instead I found a small local firm and they could not have been more different. They helped me every step of the way, they were sympathetic to my and our families needs, respectful of my wishes and I found them absolutely brilliant.
I am sorry that you are having to go through this, it is such a sad and heartbreaking experience and you really need all the help and support you can get.