Finally time to accept support.

Hey all, So i feel extremely silly turning to a group of people who i have never met to open up, its time to say im truly no coping well and i need help and advice.
Basically im 29 years old and work as a surgical manager in a hospital, my mother aged 45 died of metastatic cancer in Nov 2021 after a years battle beginning in her ovaries ending in her brain.
I find myself still trying to call her mobile when something happens to me in my life, i find i text her weekly with that hope she will text back ( she was addicted to her phone) and when mum does not answer, i find myself in tears feeling let down and really angry this bitterness and angriness is starting to reflect my social life, work life and home life life with my wife. I dont know what to do next. its stupid but I JUST WANT MY MUM.
when will i stop feeling like this and when will i be me again. please.


@kbh I just found this site and had planned to ask the same question. I lost my dad in March and still feel so heartbroken. I think about him every single day but over the last few weeks, I’ve been in tears daily. It hurts so much. My dad meant the world to me. I miss his smile, his laugh, his kindness and so much more. There have been so many times like you since he passed when I’ve had something to tell him or needed some advice. I manage to put a mask on to cope with my job but mornings, evenings and weekends I can’t stop thinking about him. Everything reminds me of him. He had metastatic cancer too. I hate that he’s not here. It’s so painful.
I can only advise you to make some time as hard as it is to focus on those things that would make your mum proud. I took my aunt out for lunch the other day and knew that he’d be proud of us for looking out for each other and made a nice vegetarian meal that I knew he’d approve of and that gave me comfort and made me smile instead of cry.
I’m sad that you are going through this.


Hello @KRH, I’m so sorry to hear about your Mum. I noticed you’re new to the forum and I’m sure you’ll find the community a good source of support. Everyone here has experienced the loss of a loved one and will understand some of what you are going through.

We have some useful resources on our website, including this article which I thought you might find insightful, even if it simply reassures you that how you are feeling is normal.

I’m not sure if you are aware but Sue Ryder also offers a free bereavement counselling service that could also be helpful for you. If you would like to find out more, you can do so here.

Keep reaching out and please know that we’re here for you.

Take care,


Online Community team


I’ve done the same took gran daughter swimming lesson then went to send photos to my partner .I couldn’t sort something on one of the forms was filling in picked up phone to ring her and ask m.Happens all the time.That’s why I’ve joined the forum and found we all do the same