Finding some comfort

Hi all
I’ve not posted in a while. It’s been 6 months since I lost my wife, and our boys lost their Mum. She was not only my wife but the best friend I ever had. I’ve been having more “good” days than I was, but the horrendous feeling of loss and how so sorry for her I feel, keeps sweeping over me. Thankfully the boys are doing really well.
On the 12th of March an English Oak Tree was planted at a nature reserve for my beautiful Nicci. We had a private family ceremony and I poured Nicci’s ashes around the tree’s root ball. The boys and I and other family then put soil over the ashes. It was Nicci’s wish to have her earthly remains planted with a tree. I have found a great deal of comfort from this and it’s a beautiful place to visit. A part of her will live on through that tree as her ashes are absorbed slowly through the roots. The knock on effect for nature and the environment will go on forever. So even in death, my beautiful Nicci is helping nature. The last space for the last tree which is allowed to be planted there is next to Nicci’s tree. It has been reserved. On the 12th of April I’m going there to be at the planting of that tree, my tree, and in a sense, digging my own grave. When my time comes, my ashes will be scattered around that tree. We will be together. Instead of of holding hands, we’ll be holding roots! It’ll be nice for the boys that they’ll have a lovely place to visit their Mum and Dad.


What a lovely idea of where to lay your wife’s ashes and to know you will be there with her someday. Today I took some photos looking each way from where my husband is and where I will join him one day. It’s a beautiful place and where he wanted to be. It does help a lot to feel what we have done is right doesn’t it?
Karen xxx


Ohh that’s beautiful, that’s got me all choked up :sob: What a lovely idea.


@Mike7 You have chosen such a beautiful place for your wife and to know you will, one day, be right next to her when the time comes. I hope you and your boys continue to gain comfort from your visits. xxxx


@Mike7 I think that’s beautiful. My partner ahas three trees in memory of him, one from each of us, me, his sister and his mum and dad. A lovely idea .