Finished memory quilt

Some of you expressed interest in seeing the memory quilt I have made with my husband’s clothes. I finished it this week in time for his birthday.
I have two more to do yet for my two daughters. Mine includes the tie he wore at our wedding 29 years earlier, as well as hearts made from the shirt he wore.


Oh my goodness…. That is absolutely beautiful! Amazing…. Xx❤️


Oh wow! That’s incredible! What a wonderful thing to have. You are clever. I’m afraid me and a sewing machine don’t get on very well so nothing I could ever do. I hope you find it comforting Karen. :sparkling_heart:


What an incredible piece of art. It will be like a hug every night. X


Thank you @Dottie72. it has helped me making it.


Thanks @Crazy_Kate. I do love the fact that each piece of fabric represents part of Richard’s life. Some were specific farming clothes, some driving instruction, some relaxed at home and some holidays.
They span many years as he never threw anything out.


Thanks @Nel. Shame it’s not the real hug but it does bring me some comfort.


You are a very talented lady… just so beautiful…. Really hope it brings you comfort…x❤️


Thanks @Dottie72

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Oh that’s so lovely xx

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That’s marvellous @KarenF
how lovely you’ve incorporated such meaning into your special quilt. I feel you must have sewed your love into it with every stitch. I’m glad that making it has helped you too xx

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Thank you @Stillhiswife

Thank you @JlovesR. Yes, each piece of fabric brought back memories and love.

Wow that’s beautiful you must be so talented. A beautiful quilt to treasure forever . I know it’s not the same as having your husband there to cuddle you but you can hug the quilt and he’s with you always. I had a teddy bear and a cushion made of my husbands shirts it brings me comfort.


So beautiful xx❤️

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I had memory bears made for the family out of my daughters clothes when she passed, lovely to look at and great to cuddle!


They are lovely @Misprint. Again, something to hold. Nothing will ever replace the real person but still some small comfort.


What beautiful bears @Jude53. I do hope they help a little. I can’t imagine the pain of losing a daughter. Sending love to you. xxx

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The quilt and the bears are beautiful x

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That’s is awesome a memory Quilt that will last forever.
God Bless

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