First anniversary of passing

It will be the first anniversary of my Dad’s passing on Wednesday and it’s been an extremely difficult year! The anxiety and emotions have been building again for the last month!
I did find the ‘black dog’ starting again, but fortunately I recognised the signs and got help from my support network.

I know Wednesday is going to be a difficult day and is probably the reason I am awake at Stupid o’clock but just wanted to let everyone who maybe struggling there will be bad days and there will be good days again.
Reach out to Family, Friends, organisations such as Cruse, Good Grief Trust or Sue Ryder. Check with your GP (or the Social Practioner if your surgery has one) about local support.

One thing the last year has taught me is that it’s ok to be not ok, Bereavement will effect your Mental Health, not to bottle things up, to talk about my feelings, to ask for help and that everyone has stuff going on in their lives that is sometimes difficult to deal with.

Be kind to yourselves and take care all :blue_heart:

Remember the Samaritans :phone:116123 or msg Shout on 85258 are there 24/7 if you find yourself in Crisis :blue_heart:


Thinking of you, @Heartbroken1937. Thanks for sharing such a caring and thoughtful post with the community :blue_heart:

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