First Anniversary

I’m very stoic, and its hubbys 1st Anniversary tomorrow (06/07).
I actually dont know how to behave, I’m in pieces but will still manage to hold it together, even with my (29 yr old) kids.
Then they will think, I dont for didnt care. But I want to support them, hes their dad… omg! I’m just as manic, stressed, emotional as I was a whole year… a whole year ago…
Not even sure why I’m off loading or what I’m aiming to achieve. At least Ive got a few stressy bits off my chest


Sharing helps get it out of you and allows you to hopefully let go a bit. Why do you feel the need to be stoic, can’t you be both. I think it’s good for the children to see how you’re feeling.
The first anniversary is a big deal and it’s not something you will know how to deal with as it is a first for you and everyone involved.

A year on, I think you’re doing more than surviving and better than you think. You’ve got through a whole year.

You will find the right thing to do tomorrow. Embrace the day whatever comes.